Friday, December 19, 2008


On Wednesday night Jon, friends, and I all went out to celebrate my birthday! It was one of the best nights of my life! It really made me realize how fortunate we are for the amount of friends we have! I was always told that if you have a couple good friends then you are ahead in life. But we have more than a couple of friends, and not just friends...really good friends! So before this gets too mushy lol i just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made my birthday special!!
Jon- My best friend you make everyday special LOVE YOU
Steph- My best girlfriend, i've known you since 4th grade, and love you soo much!
Dave- Only known ya for a few years but it feels longer
Tim- Same as Dave's We always have the best times together
Kim- My hip hop teacher, my friend, fellow dancer Love you and your family to death
Andrea-My lyrical teacher, my friend, and fellow dancer, lol and fellow magicians assistant with me, You help make time fly by! Love you 2
Caitlin- Fello dancer with Kim, Andrea and I, we missed you in class this year, Love you!
Lauren- ONly met you this year, your absolutley wild lol and i love ya for it
Creep- Haha you and your girl crack me up!! Love ya's 2
Travis- Oh trav you will always be one of my best friends!!! Love you
Sean- It had been way too long since we've seen each other im so glady you came, cant wait to hang out again!!
Kris- YOu weren't there but thas bc your not 21 yet lol but you would of came i know you 2 well. love you 2!
Christy- You couln't come either, but i still love your crazyy self and we'll hang out soon!!!
Miss Jeananne- Hahah your the best jazz teacher i could ever ask for, im so glad you and Taylor came out with us for a lil bit!!
The last couple are family but they are still my good friends who are there for me no matter what, so thanks to mom dad n brother Nick for coming out 2 I love you guys!!!

Alright im done being all mushy, lol !!!

On a lighter note, after tomorrow i get a huge 2 week break off from dance!! woo hoo I love holliday time off!! Im gonna miss it though i always do hah! Well im gonna post a video of what we learned wed. night let me know what you think? It's a work in progress, cuz we just started!! I'm the one all in black lol

turnin me on (in progress)


JerseyGranny said...

Hi Ali!

Glad you have decided to blog. I look forward to following it!

Love 'ya!

Shelly said...

aw, that stinks that my comment didn't work =) i said something like:
so glad you had a happy birthday!
we watched your dance and loved it--amelie especially! we would love to see you dance in person sometime--maybe for your next recital amelie and i could come (now that she's big and old and stuff =)